Friday, October 29, 2004

I wish I were in Boston

Lila tov



Sunday, October 17, 2004

Ain't it great to be crazy?

A very happy homecoming wish to all those... well, by this time, leaving the dance :p

and now:

Boom Boom!
Ain't it great to be crazy?
Boom Boom!
Ain't it great to be crazy?
Giddy and foolish
The whole day through
Boom Boom!
Ain't it great to be crazy!

C'mon folks! post yer verses in the comments!


Friday, October 15, 2004

“You shall create a higher body, a first movement, a self-propelled wheel—you shall create a creator.” — Nietzsche

That's my senior quote

for the yearbook


i have nothing to say.

I need to fix the time on this blog. ah well. no me importa.

I interview at kenyon

Oh! good blog topic
yanno those times when you find something and it's great? I found something great. It's called "El Testament d'Amelia" and is arranged by Llobet. as krissy sed, it made me realize that there's a reason i play this instrument :p

I'll try to have a recording soon.

that took up less space than anticipated.

I think i'll do that and prelude no. 1 for Overture awards. See if I can beat the two pianists in my grade :p

I might stand a chance. Classical guitarists are just so uncommon it might give the judges a new angle.

tea with honey is good
so is tea without honey


Sunday, October 10, 2004

durn five minute breaks

these breaks seem to be getting more and more frequent.

oh well.
I had a thought. I've been recording some of my guitar for college. Here are the where the sound files are located. Tripod is picky; it won't let me link to the files. just copy-paste the urls

Se Io M'Accorgo:

any thoughts, aside from the extreme arrogance of this?

I'll try to have more—sending them to U of C soon. I hope I can have Villa-Lobos' Prelude no. 1 in E minor ready.

back to work


P.S.: very poor recording quality, so sorry—and yes, you can hear my birds squawking in the background


it's even better to go with the girl than to ask her.

just in case you were wondering :p

ok. i'm getting back to homework.

*self-alloted five minute break over*


Saturday, October 02, 2004

I have the secret

I figured something out last night

The secret to happiness

Ask a beautiful girl to homecoming on the opening night of the best acting performance you've ever given and then go to a cast party.

yah, that pretty much works
