Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shiggidy shiggidy schwa?

Ah, the glories of higher education. Due to my linguistics course, I now know what a "schwa" is.

Say "photograph" slowly. No, really, say it. Now say it at normal speed. The first syllable is stressed, so at normal speed you do say "pho." The second syllable, however, is unstressed. You end up warping the "o" into a sort of "uh." That vowel that results from warping unstressed vowels is called a "schwa."

Additionally, if you have a vowel and an 'r', it works a little differently. "Four for four dollars" becomes "four fuhr four dollars." This is called a "schwar."

What's interesting to me is that we seem to parse the schwa back into its original vowel. I think that might be my research topic for this class when it comes time to do that.


p.s. yes tommu, I thought of you when I first heard this, you unmockingspoof you

Sunday, September 18, 2005

So i'm in college

and I can see sunsets really well from my dorm.



Saturday, September 17, 2005

So yah, I had a birthday

I'm 19 now... in the last year of my teen-dom. Thank you krissy and tommu for the party :D
And we will keep up the campaign

But my birthday is entirely overshadowed by the fact that I leave for college TOMORROW.

so that should be happy.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

Nearly free

I am free from Mjolnir tomorrow at 5:30 pm. For a few months, at least.

And there shall be much rejoicing.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ok, i have reached the heights (?) of boredom

I am doing one of those irritating things where you answer a list of questions. thank you krissy.

"Pick a band and use titles of their songs to answer the questions"

Name of the Band: Muse

Are you male or female? Muscle Museum

Describe yourself? Butterflies and Hurricanes

How do some people feel about you? Do We Need This?

How do you feel about yourself? Futurism

Describe an ex boy friend or girlfriend: Shrinking Universe

Describe you current boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife: Yes Please!

Describe where you want to be: In the Middle of a Dream

Describe how you live: Hysteria

Describe how you love: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You

Share a few words of wisdom: Our Time is Running Out


Monday, September 05, 2005

time still moves so slowly

yup. pretty much the same story.
