Wednesday, November 01, 2006


so in foundations of formal linguistics today we were talking about English and proved that it is not a regular language, which is a language whose sentences can be enumerated by a Deterministic Finite Automaton.

and then the prof. pointed out that this proves that English speakers are not Deterministic Finite Automatons, which immediately proves that, cognitively, English speakers cannot be speaking a sentence by uttering a word, which in turn restricts the possible subsequent words to a definite set, from which set the next word is uttered, which also in turn restricts possible subsequent words to a definite set, and so on. This indirectly proves, since cross-linguistic syntax is so similar, that all natural language cognition is not a deterministic finite automaton.


which simultaneously blew my mind and caused me to cream my cerebro-chemical trousers.

i... will now go and change said trousers.


p.s.: this has apparently been known for about 50 years. why did nobody tell me.

p.p.s.: are there any XX chromosomes out there that find themselves... similarly... ahem... stimulated


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