Saturday, May 05, 2007

dang ol' lopar

so i'm doing this project for 595 which will probably expand to be an honors thesis. My faculty mentor is excited about it too, and it relates to another project he's been doing for a couple of years, so he gave me a special account on a special high-end server dedicated to his project to do my calculations. I got everything ready then did the calculations. it took a long time, but I wasn't sure how long it was supposed to take, so i wasn't worried. until all of my emails disappeared. and I checked and saw that the program i was running had output a 65 GB file. before I had started running, there were 65 GB of server space left. that was a neat trick and i was sure i had destroyed the department's research and set the entire field back 20 years. yesterday i learned that the readme i'd been given on how to do part of the analysis had forgotten to tell me that i needed a special flag to get the program to output the best possible parse per sentence... and I had been outputting every conceivable parse of all 44,000+ sentences.

but everything's good now. don' wry



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