Tuesday, October 18, 2005


So I've been in college about a month and it's great. I scheduled my courses for next quarter, and they look interesting... I've got a course on syntax taught by the head of the linguistics department who just wrote a book on syntax this past summer. We should be getting into some real stuff too, because it's a 500 level course. I've also got this spanish 250 course that makes me eligible for study abroad in spain, if I pass the SLRPE (Spanish Language ... Proficiency Exam I think). That's happy because study abroad might actually be cheaper than study at OSU because of my scholarship.

I've also got crazy Math H191 and Philosophy 250, which is Symbol Logic. I think my head might start tilting to the left because I'm beefing up my logic so wild.

And I've got this interesting freshman seminar: The Myth of the Traditional Marriage: The Development of Marriage in Western Societies.

It's a one credit-hour seminar that'll keep me busy and thinking.

All in all 20 hrs.

Oh and the dorm room is great. Click here to see the moon at sunrise from 21 stories up. Yes that is my personal website. There's nothing there yet. I will probably post my research paper for linguistics there though, when I have time to get a decent website together.

I might add more later, but krissy gets out of class soon so we'll probably grab some lunch in a bit. Plus I need to get back to studying for the anthropology midterm.



Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

And speaking of breathtaking vistas...
100 stories up :D

12:26 PM  
Blogger krissy said...

jens wins

2:05 PM  

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