Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ah luvs unicode



Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Path Lycanthropic

Some paths have a way of changing character after dark
For many it is in the lay of the land
in the play of the shadows
from the streetlamps and the moon alone

But for some it is in
the flow of her hair
and the shine in her smile
that remind you of Happiness

And most of all it is in her being at the wrong end of the path

There is always some sort of debris on these paths
Some newspapers or cans rolling around
Or dry fallen leaves if they are in season
(and they are always in season on these paths)

And you walk along these paths amid these miscellany
that you brought out

Disorganized miscellany
A bunched bundle of intentions exploded and scattered
You walk along and brush them aside with your feet
You plod along
Under the fretful stars and brooding moon
To your silent lonely room
Hoping to gather back your intentions in the morning.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


so i guess my vote isn't bad luck. basically everything went my way.


except for a couple statewide ballot measures the things i cared about have done well


Wednesday, November 01, 2006


so in foundations of formal linguistics today we were talking about English and proved that it is not a regular language, which is a language whose sentences can be enumerated by a Deterministic Finite Automaton.

and then the prof. pointed out that this proves that English speakers are not Deterministic Finite Automatons, which immediately proves that, cognitively, English speakers cannot be speaking a sentence by uttering a word, which in turn restricts the possible subsequent words to a definite set, from which set the next word is uttered, which also in turn restricts possible subsequent words to a definite set, and so on. This indirectly proves, since cross-linguistic syntax is so similar, that all natural language cognition is not a deterministic finite automaton.


which simultaneously blew my mind and caused me to cream my cerebro-chemical trousers.

i... will now go and change said trousers.


p.s.: this has apparently been known for about 50 years. why did nobody tell me.

p.p.s.: are there any XX chromosomes out there that find themselves... similarly... ahem... stimulated