Monday, December 31, 2007

Upping the ante... Oh my

So, I had a nice schedule for next quarter pretty much decided, then I get emails from two professors recommending that I take this seminar. One of those was from the OSU guy teaching the course, and the other is from my advisor, so I probably should, right? Plus, an internationally-renowned computational linguist will be co-teaching it. Thing is, I already had 25 hours on my schedule, and I really can't drop any of them without falling behind in a major or a minor. Thing also is that this is an 800-level seminar. So, of course, I am taking 30 hours next quarter, if my advisor will agree to increase my hours.

Ling 615: Psycholinguistics, 5 hours
CS&E 779: Neural Networks, 3 hours
Phil 663: Metaphysics, 5 hours
Psych 699: Developmental Language and Cognition Lab Research, 3 hours
Ling 795.03: Phonies, 2 hours
Ling 795.04: Clippers, 1 hour
Ling 795.10: Sanskrit Reading Group, 1 hour
Ling H783: Honors Thesis Research, 5 hours
Ling 884: Seminar on Generating and Interpreting Referring Expressions, 5 hours

The way I figure, that's 18 or 19 hours of real classes, plus 12 or 11 hours of research groups/academic clubs which are basically extracurriculars that I happen to be getting credit for. And I can do 18 or 19 hours of classes easy. Right?



Blogger krissy said...




I will see your mangled corpse at the end of the quarter, as your brain will have died and all the life will have been sucked out of your body.


10:00 AM  
Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

I found that 12 hours a semester was about as much as I could hope to handle and come out with good grades...or in some cases, any grades. >_O
Incompletes are evil and turn to Fs eventually.
One of the many obstacles I may have to overcome when I go back to school.
I wander if I can just start over?

3:41 PM  

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