Friday, January 25, 2008

Good Morning, Baltimore!

maybe I will be in Baltimore this summer? It's really competitive... we'll see

Also, I've been working on getting my website so it can serve as a sort of application.

but the one definite bright spot in all of this is the following tidbit of advice I received this morning:

"This is academia and it's ok to be a bit quirky"


now I know I picked the right field :D


p.s.: if you google "john pate" (without quotes), my website is result number 9. yess!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Internet Party!



Tuesday, January 08, 2008



BUT! i'm only auditing that seminar. So no corpses. Sorry, krissy. I know how much you love corpses.


P.S.: Let it be known that spaghetti can be made in a coffee maker