Saturday, May 31, 2008

a year!?

Another school year done, whoa. "This Will Be My Year" by Semisonic just came on and got me feeling all sentimental and nostalgic about the last school year. So, in an effort to be maximally cheesy, here are a few things I've learned this year:

Norway is one incredible place.

A black politician with a platform somewhat left-of-center can be the favorite in a presidential race while _distancing_ his political views from religion. Maybe there's hope after all?

If my computer conks out I'm in trouble.

I don't have to drown myself in hours to be doing hard things or to be earning my scholarship.

On a related note, cake nights are good and I should stay even if I just lost my cell phone ;)

I can, contrary to the indignant expression of my junior bible teacher, be a big fish in a big sea (he said our choices for college came down to being either a big fish in a little pond or a little fish in a big sea).

I finally have a coherent and focused research question to build my lifetime research program. Ask me if you want details, because I will certainly tell you ;)

I really will be going to grad school in a year!? what!? abuh

um, that's all for now i think. back to work :D


Friday, May 30, 2008


so i had this dream last night that i was hosting john mccain at a roundtable discusison in this one conference room one of my seminars was in this quarter.

that was weird


Saturday, May 24, 2008

end of the quarter

coming up to the end of the quarter, i've started to realize just how confusing things can be

at least calculating spectral tilt is proving straightfoward! ^_^


Monday, May 12, 2008

go' dat familiar ol' rumblin' in m'bones 'n brains

dat one what come when too much to be done and it end up done anyway.

an' this is why i love the stress. can't nothin' be too much or too soon!


--EDIT: yensil, blogspot finally forced me to fix the time zone :p

Monday, May 05, 2008

what a summer this will be!

i got the fellowship to model word segmentation this summer :D :D :D
