Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Well, I have been reminded by a friend [] of poetry. I'm going to start writing some new stuff... but here are some favorites of mine.

'lone I Sit and Listen Now

'lone I sit and listen now
To the famous ancient thing
And sitting, thinking, wonder how,
Or whether, we should cling
To notions, simple still, and old
Of how things really are.
Is science honestly so cold
To—heartlessly and only—mar?

This age and order bring to us
New insight to the beauty;
Once we learn we're more than dust,
Not bound to some eternal duty,
We aren't compelled to cast away
The rev'rence once so strong;
We newly learn to shape the clay
And in ourselves belong.


The dawn has died and Mars has cried
The battle helm is red
The stars are mired; their stage desired
This war-scarr'd path is tread
The clouds are fled; the heavens shed
The barèd moon now cries
Noctourna cease; the warrior's keys
All semblance of courage now flies
The usurper lighting at light's first flighting
His hordes' armor reflecting his mood
Soulèd pinpoints of light sing of this blight
That is barbarian-crude
The wind is howling this feud's disemboweling
While the armor shields from its cry
All nature is split and those chosen do pit
Their forces to ends, 'til they die


This battle is done; the fates had their fun
All those on the field have now lost
And the night, too, has died in the infinite pride
Of the gen'rals and those without cost
Now, the sun rises and dead is the Pisces
Scorpio, the Ursas, Orion
Profaned the night's name in this property game
Now, the fear, shout "To the high land!"
All close their eyes at night's advent, despised
And loathed as the number of man
Rejected is night as the source of all plight
As the bane of the good and the light
"It cancels the senses!"; they shed then their lenses
To don comfort and hide from the might


The night has been killed and the stars' breasts now stilled
And humanity hides in its presence
The night is now crying; stars nevermore dying
Their æsthetic life nullified since
The moon's gaze choking down her wonderful gown
Once praised with myrrh and incense
People choose the blood-stare of the sun's all-numbing glare
Over solitude, silence intense
Dead are the lost, their memory moss'd
Now "Sapiens" trudges; called "life"
They abandoned their purpose and chosen but surface
Muddling humanity with strife

The War

The war
The war
Echoes in my brain
The need
The need
Seems of naught to gain
The hate
The hate
Astounding even Earth
The blame
The blame
Accorded due to birth
The cries
The cries
Die in the breast
As the totur'd sobbing men
Are consum'd by their quest
Sparing only "kin"
And are torn by themselves
And are torn in their hells
Are condemned by the fell
Doctrines they compel
Orphans by a history
And only by this history
So strongly by this history
Sad cause of misery
Throws them down
This cliff to a town
Immers'd in technology
But more so, symbology
Dismembered by the
Other death
Of culture and its own love
Destroying yet themselves
Fearing ev'ry Hell
Fomenting such a shell
To, all the years, indwell


Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

nice, very nice

10:54 PM  

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