Sunday, November 21, 2004


our DnD session last night was absolutely incredible. We went from being favored adventurers of the government and temple of pelor to suspects of the government and prisoners of the temple of pelor.

and then we pulled the most amazing jail-break—with the most picturesque circumstance of prisoner.


corruption. factions.
politics. magic. physical training

and now I, playing Keth, a Lawful-Neutral monk of St. Cuthbert, pledged to the establishment and maintenance of social order, will probably be forced to seek haven in a thieve's guild. If it were not for Keth's vow for vengeance on the blue creatures and his hatred for any sort of corruption—and his natural use of Machiavellian "ends justify the means" principles—, he would turn himself in.

but he will not.

and he will rescue Gralti.



Blogger krissy said...

we will rescue gralti, unless you want to try it on your own...i think thatd be pretty funny actually

1:57 PM  
Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

Your character would probably hate any character I ever played. :Silly raptur.

8:30 PM  

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