Friday, November 05, 2004


Yah, so i voted for kerry and against issue 1 (definition of marriage as between man and woman for Ohio State Constitution amendment)
I think my vote is bad luck :-/

but I still don't think bush is _bad_, just lacks a bit of the analytical side.

i'm more upset about the issue 1.
let's see here
our amendments:
Free speech
Writ of Habeus Corpus
Freedom of Press
no gay marriage

just doesn't fit.

and now we will have conservative Supreme Court Justices from Bush's appointments

we just killed some momentum in our social progress

ah well. it will happen eventually :p



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think your vote was bad luck.
I think we were doomed anyways...

10:58 PM  
Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

My vote didn't even get counted since Kerry pulled out. T_T

11:37 PM  
Blogger Raptur said...

they're still counting. his concession is not legally binding. if the official count makes him winner, he's still prez.


4:29 PM  

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