Friday, September 17, 2004

Rosh-Hashana Tov

My extraordinarily limited knowledge of Hebrew thinks that that says "Good New Year"

Welcome to year 5,765

hm. A Jewish holiday falls on my birthday.
Our last night together was on the Summer Solstice.

Mebbe I'm just dumb. Any sufficiently determined and convinced moron can envision a ghost from a bedsheet.
Or mebbe any sufficiently experienced and imaginative poet can derive full fragrance from flower.

I draw music from stretched nylon and wood.

But I'm probably just dumb.

If only x,y,z, and t would coincide.



Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

my campain to get you wished a happy one has worked! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I am now one step closer to my ultimate goal of WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!

...or not

3:01 AM  

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