Thursday, November 25, 2004


well, good news. My guitar teacher managed to get in the form he needs to sign for overture. I do get to compete ;)
he had me worried for a while

thanksgiving should be interesting. we're having it at my uncle's/aunt's house for the first time (my grandmother died just after this past Easter), and we'll get to meet my aunt's side of the family... 20 people in a small house. plus, my cousin is mad at my aunt. heehee... fun times ahead.

on another note... at the Lindner's Christmas party, we (Encore showchoir) get to open for... Faith Hill!
how cool is that. might get to meet Tim McGraw too.

unfortunately, it's only going for one night this year instead of two. less stress, but much less fun. ah well.

well, happy thanksgiving to everyone out there (yes, you too, Mr. Danzer :p)




Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

Holee shit muffins!
You have extended family!?
Well, I guess I knew, I just never thought about it.
And me living down the street from you.

1:39 AM  

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