Saturday, April 26, 2008


yensil specifically said for me to do this meme so how could I say: "no." Here are my completely serious and reflective responses:

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:

1.) Spend time near a desert.

2.) Publish in Science or Nature.
3.) Visualize four contemporaneous dimensions.

Three Names You Go By:

1.) John--ahem.

2.) Jonathan--UNWILLINGLY.

3.) Greecie--nobody will get this because my CHCA group doesn't read this.

Three Screen Names You Have Had (Other Than This One):

1.) logikweaver
2.) JKP_Aceman
3.) Acefighter--remember VQ?

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:

1.) I'm a pretty fast walker which is handy.

2.) I seem uncommonly resistant to changes in temperature.

3.) Robust immune system, which is even handier.

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:

1.) English, wot wot?

2.) Deutsch, ja?
3.) Native American (at least as far back as we've traced to 1850)


Three Things That Scare You:

1.) Time, man
2.) Neocons
3.) What?

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:

1.) Do I even need to say coffee?
2.) Yes, I think I do.
3.) Coffee.

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:

1.) shirt.

2.) shorts.

3.) boxers.

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists:

1.) I'll use this as a shameless plug.

2.) Walk the Moon.

Three Of Your Favorite Songs:

There are lots of songs I like.
2.) Let me think.

3.) Oh no! I'm out of room.

Three Things You Want In A Relationship:

1.) This is a confusing question.

2.) I think that about answers it.

3.) Yes, yes it does.

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):

1.) 2 + 2 = 4.

2.) 3 + 3 = 6.
3.) George W. Bush is a great man.

Three Physical Things About The Preferred Sex That Appeal To You:

1.) Physical things, eh?

2.) Anything that makes me stop thinking about linguistics really.
3.) Of course, it's even better when I can keep thinking about linguistics.

Three Of Your Favorite Hobbies:

1.) Being facetious with memes.

2.) I'll be boring and actually answer the question now:

3.) Classical Guitar.

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:

1.) Know Matlab.

2.) Be done with this homework assignment with Matlab (preferred).

3.) Not be so confused about things.

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:

1.) Computational Psycholinguist.

2.) Theologian.
3.) Spy.

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:

1.) Australia.

2.) The Middle East.

3.) Arizona.

Three Kid's Names You Like:

1.) Breakfast.

2.) Lunch.

3.) Dinner.


1.) Word Order Data.
2.) Prosody Data.
3.) Morphology Data.
(I'm changing my last name to "Data")

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:

1.) I regularly paint my toenails pink.

2.) I like short shorts.

3.) Does this meme have a theme.

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:

1.) I regularly chew my toenails off with my face.

2.) I like short shorts.

3.) I don't think it does. Unless it has a threem (aHA!)

Three People That I Would Like To See Take This Quiz Now:

I'll just pass on the list Yensil had plus krissy because he never updates anymore.

1.) Tommu

2.) Elf Girl

3.) Mouse person... (who is mouse person? I don't know)
4.) krissy


Sunday, April 06, 2008

It is day time

and i am doing schoolwork in a grove of pine trees on the oval.

that is all ^_^


Thursday, April 03, 2008

i wuz tired

so i went to bed at 930 thinking i'll just wake up bright an' early easy, but turns out i just took a 2 hour nap and now i'm not really sleepy. i don't want to do anything mentally taxing because i do need to be up early-ish, so i'll take this opportunity to blog. it's a blog-portunity!

eh, so what to say. the usual about time and whoa. i can feel myself having sort of settled into a holding pattern recently, i think. At least i'm pretty sure my next big changes aren't until i graduate. I haven't seen cincinnati friends for a while. Or adam and rob.

we need a super smash bros. party soon! i still haven't played the new one.

i think i'm experimenting on a kid tomorrow. and i've got a few adults coming in too. Then lab meeting in the evening.

met with my project advisor for this proposal for the summer, and we refined the project notion. By which i mean scaled back--turns out what I wanted to do, given the stuff that's available (and which I had thought was different), was basically a complete speech recognition system that learned a given language all on its own. As in, you feed it a bunch of audio and it learns the language :p

ok that's all i think. it took over an hour to write this :p
