Thursday, April 03, 2008

i wuz tired

so i went to bed at 930 thinking i'll just wake up bright an' early easy, but turns out i just took a 2 hour nap and now i'm not really sleepy. i don't want to do anything mentally taxing because i do need to be up early-ish, so i'll take this opportunity to blog. it's a blog-portunity!

eh, so what to say. the usual about time and whoa. i can feel myself having sort of settled into a holding pattern recently, i think. At least i'm pretty sure my next big changes aren't until i graduate. I haven't seen cincinnati friends for a while. Or adam and rob.

we need a super smash bros. party soon! i still haven't played the new one.

i think i'm experimenting on a kid tomorrow. and i've got a few adults coming in too. Then lab meeting in the evening.

met with my project advisor for this proposal for the summer, and we refined the project notion. By which i mean scaled back--turns out what I wanted to do, given the stuff that's available (and which I had thought was different), was basically a complete speech recognition system that learned a given language all on its own. As in, you feed it a bunch of audio and it learns the language :p

ok that's all i think. it took over an hour to write this :p



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