Saturday, April 26, 2008


yensil specifically said for me to do this meme so how could I say: "no." Here are my completely serious and reflective responses:

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:

1.) Spend time near a desert.

2.) Publish in Science or Nature.
3.) Visualize four contemporaneous dimensions.

Three Names You Go By:

1.) John--ahem.

2.) Jonathan--UNWILLINGLY.

3.) Greecie--nobody will get this because my CHCA group doesn't read this.

Three Screen Names You Have Had (Other Than This One):

1.) logikweaver
2.) JKP_Aceman
3.) Acefighter--remember VQ?

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:

1.) I'm a pretty fast walker which is handy.

2.) I seem uncommonly resistant to changes in temperature.

3.) Robust immune system, which is even handier.

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:

1.) English, wot wot?

2.) Deutsch, ja?
3.) Native American (at least as far back as we've traced to 1850)


Three Things That Scare You:

1.) Time, man
2.) Neocons
3.) What?

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:

1.) Do I even need to say coffee?
2.) Yes, I think I do.
3.) Coffee.

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:

1.) shirt.

2.) shorts.

3.) boxers.

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists:

1.) I'll use this as a shameless plug.

2.) Walk the Moon.

Three Of Your Favorite Songs:

There are lots of songs I like.
2.) Let me think.

3.) Oh no! I'm out of room.

Three Things You Want In A Relationship:

1.) This is a confusing question.

2.) I think that about answers it.

3.) Yes, yes it does.

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):

1.) 2 + 2 = 4.

2.) 3 + 3 = 6.
3.) George W. Bush is a great man.

Three Physical Things About The Preferred Sex That Appeal To You:

1.) Physical things, eh?

2.) Anything that makes me stop thinking about linguistics really.
3.) Of course, it's even better when I can keep thinking about linguistics.

Three Of Your Favorite Hobbies:

1.) Being facetious with memes.

2.) I'll be boring and actually answer the question now:

3.) Classical Guitar.

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:

1.) Know Matlab.

2.) Be done with this homework assignment with Matlab (preferred).

3.) Not be so confused about things.

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:

1.) Computational Psycholinguist.

2.) Theologian.
3.) Spy.

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:

1.) Australia.

2.) The Middle East.

3.) Arizona.

Three Kid's Names You Like:

1.) Breakfast.

2.) Lunch.

3.) Dinner.


1.) Word Order Data.
2.) Prosody Data.
3.) Morphology Data.
(I'm changing my last name to "Data")

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:

1.) I regularly paint my toenails pink.

2.) I like short shorts.

3.) Does this meme have a theme.

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:

1.) I regularly chew my toenails off with my face.

2.) I like short shorts.

3.) I don't think it does. Unless it has a threem (aHA!)

Three People That I Would Like To See Take This Quiz Now:

I'll just pass on the list Yensil had plus krissy because he never updates anymore.

1.) Tommu

2.) Elf Girl

3.) Mouse person... (who is mouse person? I don't know)
4.) krissy



Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF you would like to borrow it THEN you can borrow my matlab intro book.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

You know, you're the only person on my list to take this so far...
As for el Mouse person, I don't think you know her, but she's commented on my blog in the past...though not recently. She seems to be not online much these days. :\
It's very frustrating because I think I might be in love with her.............don't repeat that ever. Or anyone else who reads this. >.>
Arizona is a very nice place.
Maybe I should take you there sometime?
We shall see. I should like to visit it again, preferably while my grandparents are still corporate.
Time shouldn't scare you, because it doesn't exist.
Interesting that you considered theology, and I, apologetics.
Facetiousness with memes is amusing and saves you from revealing things you don't want to.
And I post plenty!
Just sometimes I have lulls.
You're one to talk. :P

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if you're scared about embarrassment for your feelings of mouse, if she does ever read this, she probably wont repeat what she read to you because you asked so nicely.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

If I thought she were likely to read it I wouldn't have posted it.
I just didn't want it to get back to my blog somehow.
It's a complicated situation.
Or something.
My heart is confused right now.

9:08 AM  

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