Monday, December 15, 2008

chillin' at BD


this has been a good day. Woke up around 11am, made m'self some oatmeal, then got to work. Kafe Kerouac to Ling Department ate up the afternoon and evening, i headed back to the house for spaghetti, and then came here to BD to keep working. they fixed the internet here! I'd been having trouble connecting (before I left I got myself a tarball of all the stuff I thought i'd need to keep writing).

Now I'm just waiting for a couple experiments to finish running. Back in july C.B. told me to guide my experiments by constantly writing everything up. I didn't exactly do that and now I wish I had. Today, while I've been putting my argument together in this paper, I've been really focused in what experiments exactly need to be run and have been really good about everything. I think I might head back soon and just check up on these experiments in the morning... the figures for the paper won't be ready for 2 hrs or so.

I also got GNU screen optimized how I like it on my computer and it looks wicked cool. Um I mean really productive.... ;)

I hope research never gets to feeling like a chore. Hmm. I was going to wait to say this until Spring, but it's been on my mind. I know that at the end of periods of your life you're supposed to look back and say "Oh I wish I hadn't spent so much time doing work" because work isn't what matters or something. I dunno. I look back over my time at OSU and I really don't think I'd be willing to give up one of my 3:30AMs, no matter how stressed, since they're all how I might be in the position I want to be in. Is it egomaniacal to say that I don't care so much for living in the moment if it's at the expense of living in the history books? Probably it is. Plus it's just really fulfilling to walk home at 4am and know the only reason you'd be out in the cold and rain then is because you really are completely committed to what you've taken up.

time to head back I think. The first results of the experiment are in and it doesn't look like I'll be in trouble. Although actually either way things turn out would be cool.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the egomaniacal thing...I wouldn't worry about that. I think we all determined you were insane in junior year of high school (when you were already taking college courses). Now you can spend time figgering out which specific kinds of crazy you are or you could go and make history already. You'll be the first of us to do it. So don't keep us waiting.

11:57 AM  

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