Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Explanation of "Teachings"

Please read and contemplate the post entitled "Teachings" before reading the following:

Author’s Note: Due to the esoteric nature of the allegory, a partial explanation follows.

  • Teachers and Teachings:

    The work has three teachers: the Grail, the dragonfly, and the drunk. All communicate distinct—nonetheless related—ideas regarding the origin of the individual. The Grail communicates an imminent theistic perspective: the Grandfather is Creator-God, and gave the main character himself; all that was upon birth. This “all” is communicated through the rocking horse. However, the main character is dissatisfied upon realizing that the idea of himself as a gift implies a limit to his possible form; he wants the ability to expand to a magnificent living horse despite being a charming wooden rocking horse. The dragonfly (dragonfly; nature; pantheism) then communicates a roughly Buddhist perspective. She discusses an ultimate non-existence of self, wherein each person is simply the coincidence of processes in space and time. However, her view is not entirely mechanistic; she teaches the main character that if he acts (leans back), he (his shadow) can transcend normal existence (move onto the rock). The drunk then enters to communicate a rather existentialist perspective. He is on a rock, the symbol of transcendence. The Greek myth of Persephone is referenced, wherein Hades traps Persephone for seven months each year by convincing her to eat seven pomegranate seeds. The main character has “climbed onto the rock,” and the drunk seeks to prevent a regression (he seems the first evangelical existentialist!) for twelve months each year. He succeeds. The verbal exchange is standard-issue existentialism: profound recognition of personal responsibility and empowerment, and that true existence can only be had through such proactivity.

  • Self-realization:

    With each teacher, the main character achieves a higher self-knowledge: he sees himself not at all in the Grail; he sees only his shadow in the stream; he sees himself in full clarity in the mirror at the end. Expansion of worldview increases self-knowledge.

  • Wine Imagery and Harmony:

    The main character’s motion from staring at the outside of the Grail to drinking therefrom demonstrates growing spirituality in expansion to the world (in new teachings) and to himself (in self-realization). Only upon his first conflict with religion—the conflict involving the horses—can he delve deeply into religion. Notice that there is no condemnation of any teacher; in fact, notice that they cooperate: the drunk transcends to the rock and drinks much wine; the pantheistic dragonfly bestows a teaching of responsibility and fills his Grail; the Grail lends itself as a tool for the dragonfly (in the stream) and the drunk (as the receptacle of his parting gift). At the close, the main character equally considers each teacher. He rises (action: drunk), exits (nature: dragonfly), and drinks (wine: Grail).


A strange thing happened to me one innocent afternoon. I’d been gazing at that clever bronze Grail with my face shoved up really close—so close that the breath from my nose made little vapor patterns on the outer wall—and a small earthquake just beneath my stool shook my head just enough to knock the Grail out of my main vision. I gasped to see that the world itself carries no sheen-beige of that bronze; I gasped to see that All extended well beyond myself and the Grail. I stared—eyes overcome—as a drunken realization stumbled into my mind and tripped over my cozy hearth. I stared—mind shocked—as this new visitor slumped into my best padded chair and slurringly told me that not only did more exist, but that I had little part in any of it. He attempted a smug smile; I shrank back from the crazy-angled canines pushing out over stubble-lined lips. I dazed in exit from the house—leaving it in his dubious care—and whispered something as my exposed feet brushed against the grass and collected moonshine dew: “Why do I exist?”

Presently, I came to a slightly elevated dirt road and sat down on it. At this point, I remembered the Grail and realized that I still had it; in my stupor I must have instinctively grasped it. Taking it in both hands, I gazed at its outside edge from an angle. My thumbs traced the question onto its base, and I waited. Relief soon succeeded anxiety as the outer wall distorted to form a scene—the familiar question-answer ritual remained constant. Vague shapes formed a Picasso’s rendition of a workshop. An older man walked in, appearing in DaVincian clarity, and I recognized him from a picture on top of the piano at home: my Grandfather eighteen-years ago. He picked up a wood board—upon his touch it snapped from Cubist abstraction to Realist concretion with all the subtleties of a grain and with one edge still rough-hewn from the lumber-yard. I cocked my head and leaned in closer towards the Grail, engrossed. He picked up tools, screws, and wood, each touch bringing them to reality. For two years I sat on that dirt road and watched, coming to understand that this master craftsman lovingly formed the rocking-horse I received upon birth.

The scene ended. I looked up at the bright sunny day, ready to return and to answer that drunk once and for all. As I stood, however, and wiped the dirt off of my pants, I heard a loud clatter approaching. A dust cloud grew larger; I brought a hand to my brow and leaned forward to see. It came closer. I leaned further. It came closer. I heard a wild yell hurtle forth from its dry obscure confines—and stepped off the road because it did not seem to be slowing down. Finally, I saw: an enormous and magnificent horse, regaled in waves of glossy black hair and trimmed in a bright red harness of ornate leather and bronze. And then I recognized my drunken visitor reclining in the cart, wearing an ill-fitting orange-and-green checked jockey’s uniform and laying so his knees stuck out at odd angles. Spying me, his head thrust over the edge of the cart, bloodshot eyes twitching irregularly and pallid cheeks pulling thin lips into a shouting grin. I stood, infuriated by his presence, and held his gaze with clenched fists as he thundered past. Abruptly he threw his head back and released a tearing guffaw and waved the reins back at me. Unable to endure it any longer, I launched in pursuit. This only encouraged him, and in a disconnected sequence of thoughts he decided to turn his cart off the road. I chased his cart bouncing over the uneven ground; he stretched his bony arms and laughed again. I saw him go into a forest well ahead of me; tears of frustation mingled with sweat of exertion and I lost sight of my quarry. Nevertheless, I sprinted onward—at least, until I tripped over a tree branch and fell sprawling into a stream.

The shock of the impact and the coolness of the water jolted me out of my singleminded mentality. I wept, this time because my rocking horse was less than his. Rocking horses don’t grow. I sat on a wet stone in the stream and watched the water rush on past my exposed legs, and suddenly realized that I was very thirsty. Without thinking I scooped up some water in my Grail and brought it with unsteady hands towards my face; and saw the inside of the Grail for the first time. I forgot my thirst as I saw something dark in the water. I cocked my head, and at that instant the dark form in the water moved. Surprised, I shoved the heavy Grail down into the stream—and saw a vague neck-and-shoulders complex take form in the wavy water. I came to understand that these forms somehow related directly to me. The stream was slightly deeper than the height of the Grail, and so water flowed over its sides and further rippled those dark forms of mine. A flying realization alighted on my shoulder, and this iridescent dragonfly stretched to whisper into my ear. She showed me that the dark form in the Grail is the convergence of several forces; the flowing stream gives rise and change while light lends form. She explained that the dark form is a corollary—a very educated dragonfly was she—of the All; in fact, a fully congruous part of the All, as much the constituent as the constituted. So I had no autonomous existence; for the All did, and it simply involved a thing that called itself Me; or I was simply a region of the All that called itself Me. I nodded as though I understood, and she flickeringly chuckled. Then she told me to lean out from the water. I did so, and the form grew. In fact, it grew so large that part of it reached out of the water onto a rock. She flew off in satisfaction, declaring that she had taught what she came to teach, and now must go. I absentmindedly picked up my Grail as I stood up and watched her into the trees, mulling over my lesson—and breathing into the wind breathing into me. Then I drank from the Grail.

I wandered in the forest for a time, but found my way out—somewhat reluctantly—near my point of previous entry. I determined to return home—where else to go?—with the brightly-sheened chuckle of the dragonfly still gracing my mind. As I pushed myself onward, I spied on the horizon—slightly to my left—a high structure of some sort. I changed course to investigate. As I neared, I saw that—underneath a small wooden shack—was a sort of unexpected rocky outcropping. It was as tall as a man and twice as long in diameter, and had the appearance of being surprised itself at its level locale. The shack on top looked to have a sort of serving counter—the kind found at museum ticket booths—except that the window that normally shows the person’s face and torso was quite small and revealed only two thin arms and the bottom portion of a green burlap shirt. I decided to continue my examination and climbed up. A deep husky voice asked me if I was hungry. I realized that I had not eaten in a long time and reported that in fact I was quite hungry. He said that he did not have much food, but made a business of giving pomegranate seeds to wanderers like myself. I asked him how much they cost, and when he said that they cost nothing, I told him that this was indeed a queer sort of business. He agreed. I determined that, despite the huskiness of his voice, he sounded cultured and educated, and decided to take some pomegranate seeds. He handed me half a pomegranate through the window and I began to eat the seeds slowly and one at a time. After I had eaten seven, I asked if I could come into the shack to escape the sweltering sun. He told me that he would much rather enjoy the bright heat and requested to come out and sit with me on the rocks. I shrugged and agreed, and he told me he’d be just a moment. I heard some rustling around inside the shack, and then the door opened. I ate another five pomegranate seeds as he worked his way out; a tall, thin rectangular slate of wood blocked all view of him except for his bare feet. He turned to face me. He was the drunken visitor.

I dropped the pomegranate in shock; he grinned condescendingly. I lunged at him, and he leapt sprightly off the rock with the wooden slate. He took off, and I followed. We ran across the plain, sweat beading down my back, muscles burning through my legs, wind whistling ‘round my neck. He was surprisingly quick to be carrying that wooden slate. I saw that we were heading for my house and began pounding the ground harder to catch up with him. He made it before me and jumped through the still-open door into the dim house. Frustration lending one last burst of energy, I threw myself into the house—hurtling through the portal, I hit the marble hearth hard. Stunned, weak, and tired, I remained kneeling as I tried to gather myself and absorb my surroundings. A few moments passed, and I noticed some of the gas lamps had been lit. Using my Grail for support I rose to a half-standing position leaning against the stone mantel. I felt the drunken visitor’s gaze to my left.

Straightening my shoulders, I turned to face him. My vision clouded in confusion—for I saw two such visitors—with unshaven faces and unkempt hair, with weathered skin and worn countenances—standing side-by-side, one held erect with an experienced expression on his face, the other hunched and gripping a Grail in his left hand. I shook my head and rubbed my temple with my right hand; the second visitor did the same. Wild concern fluttered across my face as I jerked to attention—as did he. Then I noticed the optical incongruity between the second visitor and the region immediately surrounding; the first visitor’s wooden slate had been the backside of a mirror that he now held directly beside himself. I walked in close, fascinated, examining myself. I had never before seen myself in such fullness, in such clarity. I moved and touched the mirror with a dirt-encrust finger—when I touched my finger in the mirror, my image of the vague dark form at the stream consolidated and realized itself into an image full of the grain of very human skin. The visitor pulled the mirror away from me; I froze expectantly as he leaned in close to my ear. He told me that now I exist to myself because of action. I looked up at him. His face glowed; the heat of the chase had eliminated the pallor of his cheeks and the stubble now effected candor rather than horror. I straightened up and stepped back. His gaze followed me with a wide-eyed grin that was not so unpleasant; then he threw back his head and shouted that action to caused existence to and that pursuit of caused existence of. I opened my mouth to agree and to inquire further. He looked at me sharply, broke into a sly grin, and threw the mirror at me.

When I awoke among the shards of glass, the visitor was gone and my Grail was full of wine. Stretching, I stood up and took the Grail. Sipping sparingly, I walked out of my house, to consider carefully my three strange teachers. Then I breathed deeply and was.

Friday, June 25, 2004


Which is more important:


The post-modernist chooses person.
Erasmus chooses principle.

And—after all—religion is creed only one part of ten.


Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Well, I have been reminded by a friend [bladesofdeath.tripod.com] of poetry. I'm going to start writing some new stuff... but here are some favorites of mine.

'lone I Sit and Listen Now

'lone I sit and listen now
To the famous ancient thing
And sitting, thinking, wonder how,
Or whether, we should cling
To notions, simple still, and old
Of how things really are.
Is science honestly so cold
To—heartlessly and only—mar?

This age and order bring to us
New insight to the beauty;
Once we learn we're more than dust,
Not bound to some eternal duty,
We aren't compelled to cast away
The rev'rence once so strong;
We newly learn to shape the clay
And in ourselves belong.


The dawn has died and Mars has cried
The battle helm is red
The stars are mired; their stage desired
This war-scarr'd path is tread
The clouds are fled; the heavens shed
The barèd moon now cries
Noctourna cease; the warrior's keys
All semblance of courage now flies
The usurper lighting at light's first flighting
His hordes' armor reflecting his mood
Soulèd pinpoints of light sing of this blight
That is barbarian-crude
The wind is howling this feud's disemboweling
While the armor shields from its cry
All nature is split and those chosen do pit
Their forces to ends, 'til they die


This battle is done; the fates had their fun
All those on the field have now lost
And the night, too, has died in the infinite pride
Of the gen'rals and those without cost
Now, the sun rises and dead is the Pisces
Scorpio, the Ursas, Orion
Profaned the night's name in this property game
Now, the fear, shout "To the high land!"
All close their eyes at night's advent, despised
And loathed as the number of man
Rejected is night as the source of all plight
As the bane of the good and the light
"It cancels the senses!"; they shed then their lenses
To don comfort and hide from the might


The night has been killed and the stars' breasts now stilled
And humanity hides in its presence
The night is now crying; stars nevermore dying
Their æsthetic life nullified since
The moon's gaze choking down her wonderful gown
Once praised with myrrh and incense
People choose the blood-stare of the sun's all-numbing glare
Over solitude, silence intense
Dead are the lost, their memory moss'd
Now "Sapiens" trudges; called "life"
They abandoned their purpose and chosen but surface
Muddling humanity with strife

The War

The war
The war
Echoes in my brain
The need
The need
Seems of naught to gain
The hate
The hate
Astounding even Earth
The blame
The blame
Accorded due to birth
The cries
The cries
Die in the breast
As the totur'd sobbing men
Are consum'd by their quest
Sparing only "kin"
And are torn by themselves
And are torn in their hells
Are condemned by the fell
Doctrines they compel
Orphans by a history
And only by this history
So strongly by this history
Sad cause of misery
Throws them down
This cliff to a town
Immers'd in technology
But more so, symbology
Dismembered by the
Other death
Of culture and its own love
Destroying yet themselves
Fearing ev'ry Hell
Fomenting such a shell
To, all the years, indwell

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Ice: Chapter 2

“Come in, dear friend, and familiarize yourself with a charmed life. Hold on a moment--there: now it’s nice and dust free for your little fanny. Please don’t mind the stuffing poking out about the seams; these chairs have endured no short while here, to be sure! Is there anything else I can get you? No, no, just stay right there. I’ll bring you a nice lemonade, with four big ice cubes--I shan’t be more than a moment beyond these red beads in the kitchen. So, did you find it difficult to get here? It can be a bit difficult, I agree, with all the distractions society serves up your days. Ah, here you go. A nice hot cappucino and biscuit to keep you comf—Careful! It’s hot. Now hold on a bit while I go get the, er, the... the thing. Just a bit!”

He shakes his head and walks into the small corridor in his bizarre, half-hunched loping fashion. Tearing off a bit of the bagel reveals a rather standard raisin-and-cinnamon fare, and I decide to do as bidden; in a moment I’m stretched out in the strangely sturdy chair, cappucino in the left hand, bagel in the right. A tall, thin lamp to my right with an orange-red globe about the bulb casts strange, slightly flickering shadows--perhaps it contains a candle rather than a lightbulb?--around the edges of the room onto orange-red walls. A shadow ambles over and jumps into my lap. Surprise and shock paralyze until I carefully set down my cappucino onto the nightstand to my left. Closer tactile and visual examination discovers claws--long sharp ones on my thighs--and two large sea-green eyes. A single stroke retracts the (painful!) claws; however, despite being able to feel the fur, it remains hidden in a black abyss. Footsteps--

“‘Allo! ‘Allo! See you’ve made yourself comfy. Well, sit there and listen... I’ll translate the best I can.” He sits on a bookcase with some sort of dirty, worn notebook bound in cheap leather. Situated, his unusually low set brow furrows and he begins to read.

“‘10th of the First Blessed Month:,’ that’s today, you understand, June 30th as you know it, the Blessed Months begin on your June 21st, ‘woke up to weather unseasonably warm for even this time of year. Was sent out on a ‘scouting’ mission by Sergeant (burn him), if you can believe... ‘gathering firewood’ more like it. 30 minutes over desert, found small oasis. And then I’m not sure what happened. Perhaps I’ve received a prophecy? But I’m far too old for prophecy... and usually it doesn’t come to seers through disturbed hags. She said something about an evil iceman... my heart beat so fast it still doesn’t make much sense. Should I report this? Might seem like I’m just trying to get out of returning late and empty-handed... and cold! I said it was warm earlier; but it sure isn’t now. Well, my watch.”

He looks up from the volume. “I know, you must go. But remember this. And return.”

I assure him that I will, break my focus, and walk out of the Mercantile Library.

Ice: Chapter 1

Well, I've decided go ahead and start up with the writing-posting thing again... a friend of mine [pikakaru.blogspot.com] reminded me of something I wrote 2 yrs ago... I read it over again and liked it, so here's Ch. 1 of an epic tale you will get to read chapter by chapter on my blog. Aren't you excited? :p

BTW... this chapter copyright John Pate 2002 and all other chapters copyright John Pate 2004


"You must avoid him," she says with a coarse, mocking cough, "for he does not hate of flame but of ice." The cooking-fire flickers demons on the shadowed, leering trees. "He--" Her coughing fit spasms through the abandoned winter air. "He does not burn, he... solidifies, crystallizes; he turns your own organs into agents against you, your very heart becomes a frozen, delving shuriken, sinking and tearing..." she sits, still and hunched over the simmering kettle. Minutes pass, bewildered and humming; words dare not tread in this silence for a naïve fear of rousing some new or ancient Presence, surreal to even the most--

"But that is the far lesser evil he looks to wreak," she starts, lidless and empty-white eyes now focused, brow tensed in serene agitation. "Pain subsides, and the wounds can be healed by most any grammarie," she slits a strip of bark from a nearby banzai sapling and spits on it, rubbing it artfully with strangely steady fingers for one so old and haggard. After a very few deft seconds, she presents the bark for display: "'twill remedy any physical ailment with the proper meditations." She draws the fire near nearer her and whispers, blank eyes somehow passionate in her wild brand of sure control.

"'but that's not all he can do!" Flecks of spit long gone stale in that tired, neglected mouth fly from her cracked and bleeding lips as she takes a step back. "His second curse has seized even him!" She is now livid in her primal and vocal expression; the fire flares more violently, the smoke screening her yet motionless frame and somehow forming a sort of blighted purgatorial halo. "He scars the mind, frozen at his stroke, narrow as a ravine in a glacier; nothing strange and new retained, nothing old and weary released. Those soothed and struck alike are irretrievably frozen in their progress, orphaned by their souls, their selves; such abandonment is worse than the plight of the vein-thieves of the far south." The fire has gone out. The old, weathered woman stares for a second, face blanched filmy-grey in the lingering smoke; a blinding flash without any light; the copse now stands empty of her.

It begins to hail.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

What happens when disgruntled businessmen decide to form a band?

Hei! This is a little performance my friends and I did... sorry for the low video quality, but I needed to keep file size down. We did all the audio editing ourselves, lights were done by the infamous Porembka (hate to use a name on the internet, but this one deserves a shout-out), and the crowd noises are all real :P we honestly did get a reaction that big.

BTW, I'm the one playing Umbrella, guitar, and Kurt Cobain.

Clicky clicky

On an entirely different note: everything seems more bizarre and beautiful everyday.

P.S.: We own fine arts

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

A composition

Hehe, been workin' on a musical piece. This is my first one so it isn't spectacular... Plus, it isn't done. Go ahead and play it through, send me any ideas, 'k? thx!

Also, notice the copyright at the bottom. I still own it, you just can play through if you want.

Clicky clicky!

Monday, June 14, 2004



Leaving her house for Ice cream, we'll just follow the other two... at the cars and--Wait! strangeness; many bright lights. looking looking gazing at the wow in the sky and the clouds.

"what is that?"
"I don't know"
"Think it's fireworks? maybe my neighbors..."
"We'd hear it"
"It just keeps going"
"That's gotta be man-made..."
"heh, John, I think God would be a little better than humans at this"
"But it just doesn't stop"
"Let's get a better look"

Walking awe-stricken FROM the cars TO the grass to the beautiful grass and the trees in this beautiful beautiful grass... the sky is exploding in this little sphere of earth and we are held in God's soft hands of Nature as the universe ends out _there_... Everything but us is ending and we are all that can ever be again. The other two stop and we keep going because there is a large tree and also because why stop? keep going! This large tree burns without being consumed... there is a field of fireflies seeking refuge from the end of the world in the shade of God's Tree and so we go there too... Time sits on a branch where we can't see him. He is old and black-skinned with a long white beard and he looks on us and strokes his long white beard and smiles... we stand together and unknowingly bring Time joy...

"Heh, you two got a good view of the sky from there"
oh yeah, explosions in the sky
"You can see it from here!"

Returning to the other two as arcs tear through the clouds...

"Let's go closer"
"Think it's safe?"
"I think so"
"Probably not"
"Let's go"
"It's not raining"

Moving Southeast

"whoa! you can hear the thunder and the rain if you listen"

Stop! Yes. Moving again... Moving moving arm around her... still moving as warmth is learned... Stop so the necks might crane and watch Gods hurling the universe at eachother... unspoken agreement lays us all in the beautiful beautiful grass, and we see the rest of the field. A dragon in the clouds!

"There's a dragon! right there! see it? enormous!"
"Whoa! whoa! yah, right there! with the wing!"
"Hm?? Mine didn't have a wing"

Three dragons in the clouds this epic night vie in slow powerful grace for regal dominance of Heaven.

Time stands twenty feet back where we can't see him and smiles.

A single gossamer wing wrought in delicacy fills the full expanse of the sky and beats slowly downward.

The stars. Explain the stars. On words I invite companions to bridge the sky and to meet the stars before they die in this end.

Time holds his ground.

"Let's go back"
"Let's run"
"Wanna run?"
"OK! let's run!"

Over the beautiful beautiful grass in the dark feet find ground eyes hardly can see and the other two are ahead but staying behind is better because she is back here. Staying behind reaching the car. Open the door, taking seats, panting and laughing in sweet exhilaration, off to get Ice cream from a store that's closed.

Time walks behind as we take off and smiles.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

so much for writings

Seems the original idea of posting writings on here doesn't work... won't accept long posts! ah well. Eat a banana.

So. Here's a thot.

I drive now. In fact, i've driven since last july 22nd (hehe, the inverse of pi... 7/22... 22/7 is a close approximation of pi... ok. 'nuff o' that). So, I've been able to get around. Some. I go to school 22 miles from my house in cincy (the school being in cincy, not my house), so my more recent--altho' timeless--friends are conveniently spread throughout cincy. In fact, two of the absolute closest are clear on the other side of 275.

Needless to say, i drive a fair amount.

Before I continue, I must say: I'm a nerd.

Ok, so as I drive, I look around. there's a lot of people around me. a _lot_ of people around me. There are people hurtling at speeds that would--will--kill them should something go wrong, hurtling in little metal boxes so I cannot speak with them. In fact, eye contact--the one possible interaction--is taboo and rare. These boxes isolate their inhabitants from not only the weather, but also all human contact with their palette of cds, dvds, seat adjusters, &c..

But these people are also performing vital functions(well, many of them. Perhaps there are a few more vagrant blood cells in these veins than an organic body could survive, but the social body is known for its extraordinary resilience), functions of economics and the business that drives America.

So this is our society:

People surround themselves in strong steel walls that do not save them in danger but rather separate them, doing things to give gasps to the body but isolation to themselves...

So is this our society?

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Laying Claim

Ah, well. Welcome to me. I suppose this is where you expect to penetrate my deepest darkest desires, perhaps to see me write curse words that you would never expect to hear me say IRL. Well, I'm not using this just to vent--I have a mind into which to vent. No, this shall not give ye shocking things to hear and then to relate. It is possible, however, that you might come to know me a bit. You see, for I am going to publish writings and thoughts of my own on this blog. So...