Wednesday, September 15, 2004

maybe things happen

I just realized the night before last, as I lay in my bed, that I had only three days left before I was completely ineligible for Boy Scouts. Seems strange how things like this simply slip away.

And last Thursday, the Ninth, I was walking to my car for school when I noticed something. My house is right across the corner of the bus stop from which I departed for school from Kindergarten through Sixth grade. On Thursday, it was empty. My neighborhood has grown up with me.

Tomorrow I pass from the growing to the grown for one year—then begin anew.

How curious.

As one grown, am I all I hoped?

Can I look my seventh-grade eyes straight-on without wavering? Second-grade? Pre-school?
That time-less self existing throughout before and after?

Let us hope.

*begins to ascend the stairs of supernatural scrutiny*



Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

*sings*Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Johnny, Happy birthday to you!*end singing*
Shees I haven't called you 'Johnny' in ages...oh the memories. It was great growing up down the block from you. You were my first friend in Middletown, I think. Thanks for making me feel welcome, and also for introducing me to Redwall!
Well, anyway,
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!!!You've got your whole life ahead, don't waste it!

1:54 AM  
Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

...BTW you need to adjust your settings so that your blog is on EST.

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember watching you cross the street every day going home. And i still feel somewhat the same now as i did then. or at least i feel the same as my memory does. nice to see we've made it this far even though i don't think either of us really know how far we've gone...
i hope your body isn't in a freaky condition any longer.
take care.

6:48 PM  
Blogger krissy said...

i always thought supernatural scrutiny was an elevator

9:55 PM  

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