Monday, November 29, 2004


I found this on a couple other blogs... just haven't had a book by my computer recently. but today I do :p

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your own bulletin...along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you

"More than five hundred ships were built at Coram's dockyards between 1697 and 1731."
—America: A Narrative History, 6th ed., George Brown Tindall, Norton & Company

yup, that's a textbook ladies and gents :p

it seems like instruction five should be a subnote of instruction one. ah well

mmk. back to work :p


Sunday, November 28, 2004


*note to self* don't trust people who can't read their own spellbook. in fact, don't trust many people at all.

yup, there was a DnD session yistidday.

and now i'm sick... urgh.

and I'm supposed to be singing three chori from Handel's Messiah on friday, and performing at Music Hall a week from this Tuesday. I hope my voice gets better.

*drinks tea with honey*

good news... she's coming home on Christmas break. I'll get to see her! yay

off to homework



Thursday, November 25, 2004


well, good news. My guitar teacher managed to get in the form he needs to sign for overture. I do get to compete ;)
he had me worried for a while

thanksgiving should be interesting. we're having it at my uncle's/aunt's house for the first time (my grandmother died just after this past Easter), and we'll get to meet my aunt's side of the family... 20 people in a small house. plus, my cousin is mad at my aunt. heehee... fun times ahead.

on another note... at the Lindner's Christmas party, we (Encore showchoir) get to open for... Faith Hill!
how cool is that. might get to meet Tim McGraw too.

unfortunately, it's only going for one night this year instead of two. less stress, but much less fun. ah well.

well, happy thanksgiving to everyone out there (yes, you too, Mr. Danzer :p)



Tuesday, November 23, 2004


well, i made it.

mr. grantham sed he had a tough decision to make. the school is allowed to send 12 people for 6 disciplines, so each judge is told they can send two people. he sed he had three highly qualified auditionees: classical guitar, piano, and viola. Not only three completely different instruments, but apparently three different time periods as well. He couldn't decide whom to cut. Then we found out only one person auditioned for dance, so we can send three for instrumental music.


El Testamen de N'amelia

the semi-finals is on a performance date for Seussical the Musical. hmm.
that's a problem.

so greth, i might be doing Clue after all ;)


i was extraordinarily excited about Seussical too

hopefully something can be worked out.

i'm off to bed



Sunday, November 21, 2004


our DnD session last night was absolutely incredible. We went from being favored adventurers of the government and temple of pelor to suspects of the government and prisoners of the temple of pelor.

and then we pulled the most amazing jail-break—with the most picturesque circumstance of prisoner.


corruption. factions.
politics. magic. physical training

and now I, playing Keth, a Lawful-Neutral monk of St. Cuthbert, pledged to the establishment and maintenance of social order, will probably be forced to seek haven in a thieve's guild. If it were not for Keth's vow for vengeance on the blue creatures and his hatred for any sort of corruption—and his natural use of Machiavellian "ends justify the means" principles—, he would turn himself in.

but he will not.

and he will rescue Gralti.


Saturday, November 13, 2004


I put together my overture awards audition DVD today.
I hope he takes a dvd instead of a vhs—he did say an 8mm would be ok.
I thought it was strange that they require a video tape for the audition tape; I suppose it's for verification purposes? To make sure that I am indeed the one who is playing? ah well.

as this dvd involved the computer, I decided i'd go ahead and extract the audio track and put it into mp3 format.

To make room on the server, I deleted a couple of the earlier-posted songs as well as the fine arts movie
if you want them, email or ask in comments
so here are the urls (remember, copy-paste. tripod doesn't like links)


El Testamen de N'amelia:

Prelude No. 1 by Heitor Villa-Lobos:

Lágrima by Francisco Tárrega:

Also, I left Prelude from the earlier set:


I've been working on a couple other songs by Villa-Lobos, and hope to have a new technique book soon with lots of new variety and material (including Recuerdos de la Alhambra using tremolo technique—exciting!)

music is amazing.
I hope I do well in the overture awards. it's supposed to be limited to five minutes of music; but I've heard the in-school competition doesn't have the same restrictions. Mr. Grantham'll just have to give me my limit :p


Friday, November 05, 2004


Yah, so i voted for kerry and against issue 1 (definition of marriage as between man and woman for Ohio State Constitution amendment)
I think my vote is bad luck :-/

but I still don't think bush is _bad_, just lacks a bit of the analytical side.

i'm more upset about the issue 1.
let's see here
our amendments:
Free speech
Writ of Habeus Corpus
Freedom of Press
no gay marriage

just doesn't fit.

and now we will have conservative Supreme Court Justices from Bush's appointments

we just killed some momentum in our social progress

ah well. it will happen eventually :p
