Music hall was a blast
Faith Hill did wave to us and blow us a kiss over in the wings :D
didn't get to meet her... apparently because of "who she is"—whatever
we've all decided to burn an effigy of the guy who told us that ;)
and we are exhausted—
many extra 6 hr rehearsals + messiah performance + music hall performance + end-of-semester homework=this last week
There is something excruciatingly satisfying in squeezing each joule from the soul into a worthy endeavor.
Seussical auditions went well. I auditioned with 12 lines from "And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street" and "Santa Fe" from the Newsies—and got called back for Gen. Schmitz and Horton! Call-backs were today... I think I gave a good showing for Horton, but ultimately I got Gen. Schmitz; which is also an amazingly fun part.
man, this is astounding. I can't wait for rehearsals to begin.
oh yeah, and it's official—I won't be able to do Overture finals. Apparently the finals consist pretty exclusively of piano prodigies anyway and I probably wouldn't have made it. Either way, I'd prefer a performance to a competition.
even today at call-backs and the venture to Panera while the casting was done, the group bonding began. this will be an amazing experience. It's great... my three closest CHCA friends and I got the four lead male roles. We own CHCA theatre.
as well as fine arts :p Workin' on this year's version o' that.
there's just something incredibly singular about a group devoting the majority of their time together towards a common purpose
enough rambling
good night
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