Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Ok, so after I registered for my classes, I got an email about a new course, Slavic 792:


This course is aimed at exploring the relationship between ideology
and language, what has been referred to variously as "Language
ideology" or "linguistic ideology", and defined (e.g. by Michael
Silverstein) as "any sets of beliefs about language articulated by the
users as a rationalization or justification for perceived language
structure and use". Topics to be covered include (in no particular
order): language ideology and nationalism, language ideology and
identity, language ideology and language/dialect definition, language
ideology and the interpretation of history, language ideology in
language contact situations, and other related areas. This is a
course intended for students with some background in linguistics and
language (i.e. for graduate students in linguistics and in language
departments and advanced undergraduates in linguistics). Course work
will involve readings, commenting on various of the readings,
participating in class discussion, and making a presentation to the
class about some aspect of language ideology involving some language
(and speakers of that language) of the student's choice.

now is that friggin' awesome or what? but it's a high-level course and conflicts with philosophy 301, and so I wasn't gonna take it. But then my honors linguistics advisor specifically emailed me (along with one other undergraduate) recommending this course. So I fired off an email to my honors philosophy advisor who had encouraged philosophy 301, and she told me that I will have many opportunities to take 301, and recommended that perhaps I should think about taking 601 instead of 301 anyway.


Needless to say, I am now registered to take Slavic 792. And now my schedule reads:

Ling 503: Phonology MW 930-1118
Ling 611: Historical Linguistics TR 930-1118
Slav 792: Language and Ideology MW 1130-118
Anth 610: Ethnobotany TR 1230-218
Anth 597.01: Cultural Conflict TR 330-518

And somehow I have to sacrifice one of the linguistics courses in my curriculum proposal to take 792... probably one of the lower level ones that have a corresponding 600 level one that i had been planning on taking. ah well

we'll see.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't even know courses went into the 600s...

11:44 AM  
Blogger Raptur said...

Actually, a few go into the 800's. I think those, however, are almost exclusively for grad students.


12:17 PM  
Blogger Peggy said...


4:49 AM  
Blogger Peggy said...

is there a way to "friend" people on blog?

4:54 AM  

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